How will your doctor’s appointment, living room, and office look in 2025? That is the question this interactive book is trying to answer. 
Leading thinkers from Plantronics, Cisco, Samsung, Avaya, Viaccess-Orca and some of today’s most innovative startups are providing their insights and predictions about how technology will affect our everyday life in the future. From entertainment to shopping, telemedicine to smart cars, work environments to communications, the companies and people creating these new realities can share their vision in an innovative and interactive way. 
This interactive book includes video clips, image galleries, presentations, graphs and interactive diagrams. 
Contributors include: 
Anatoli Levine, President, IMTC 
Joe Burton, CTO, Plantronics
Dr. Aloknath De, CTO, Samsung India Software Operations
Manuel Vexler, Chief Marketing Officer, Huawei
Haggai Barel, Deputy CEO, Viaccess-Orca
Suran Goonatilake, CEO, Bodymetrics 
2025 is a virtual conference, taking place every two years and hosted by an international technology consortium, IMTC. The interactive book includes discussions from the conference panels as well as in-depth interviews with our key speakers. 
This interactive book was made possible through the generous support of Avaya, LifeSize Communications, Viaccess-Orca and Pravda Media Group. 
The conference and interactive book were produced by Pravda Media Group., on behalf of IMTC.  


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