- Tech and Product Reviews

Handbook of Big Data Technologies

handbook of big data technologies

This handbook offers comprehensive coverage of recent advancements in Big Data technologies and related paradigms.  Chapters are authored by international leading experts in the field, and have been reviewed and revised for maximum reader value. The volume consists of...

Funcraft – Noch mehr inoffizielle Witze für Minecr…

funcraft noch mehr inoffizielle witze fur minecr

Nun ist es soweit! Die heiß erwartete Fortsetzung des beliebten Funcraft Witzebuchs ist da! Auch Teil 2 ist wieder vollgepackt mit vielen Witzen und lustigen Texten rund um das Thema Minecraft zum Ablachen und Schmunzeln. Gekonnt werden die Minecraft...

Healthcare and Big Data

healthcare and big data

This highly original book is an ethnographic noir of how Big Data profits from patient private health information. The book follows personal health data as it is collected from inside healthcare and beyond to create patient consumer profiles that...

Easy GUI Programming in Java

easy gui programming in java

Learn to program graphical user interfaces in Java from a college professor and established author with over 30 years of teaching experience.   This book presents an introduction to GUI programming in Java.  Topics include the basics of window...

Fashion Babylon

fashion babylon

What is fashion? What is fashionable? Who decides what’s in and what’s out? Why is it green one year and blue the next? Why is one little black dress worth five thousand dollars and another worth fifty? Is the...

Le guide Minecraft de l’explorateur – Version 1.9

le guide minecraft de lexplorateur version 1 9

Le guide de Minecraft pour tout savoir sur l’univers et l’environnement du jeu le plus addictif du moment ! Grâce à ce livre, basé sur la nouvelle version du jeu, apprenez à vous diriger dans l’univers de Minecraft, partez...

Minecraft Game Guide Unofficial

minecraft game guide unofficial

*UNOFFICIAL GUIDE* Do you want to dominate the game and your opponents? Do you struggle with making resources and cash? Do you want the best items? Would you like to know how to download and install the game? If...

Big Data Factories

big data factories

The book proposes a systematic approach to big data collection, documentation and development of analytic procedures that foster collaboration on a large scale. This approach, designated as “data factoring” emphasizes the need to think of each individual dataset developed...

Moderne Webanwendungen mit ASP.NET MVC und JavaScr…

moderne webanwendungen mit asp net mvc und javascr

Wer sich die Erstellung moderner Webanwendungen auf die Fahnen geheftet hat, muss eine Vielzahl an client- und serverseitigen Technologien kombinieren. Dieses Buch hilft Ihnen dabei, indem es auf die Technologien ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Web API, ASP.NET SignalR, Entity Framework...

Myśl w języku Java! Nauka programowania

mysl w jezyku java nauka programowania

Ta krótka i treściwa książka ma nie tylko nauczyć Cię języka Java, lecz również pomóc Ci zacząć myśleć jak informatyk. Nauczysz się z niej programować — co samo w sobie jest już bardzo przydatną umiejętnością — ale też odkryjesz,...

Diario di un Minecraft Zombie. Una sfida da paura

diario di un minecraft zombie una sfida da paura

Vi siete mai chiesti com’è la vita di uno Zombie di Minecraft? Nel primo volume di questa esilarante serie di avventure dedicate al mondo di Minecraft, avrete la possibilità di leggere il diariio di un autentico Minecraft Zombie di...

Big Data Technologies and Applications

big data technologies and applications

This book constitutes the refereed post-conference proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Big data Technologies and Applications, BDTA 2016, held in Seoul, South Korea, in November 2016.  BDTA 2016 was collocated with the First International Workshop on Internet...

Emotional Design

emotional design

Did you ever wonder why cheap wine tastes better in fancy glasses? Why sales of Macintosh computers soared when Apple introduced the colorful iMac? New research on emotion and cognition has shown that attractive things really do work better,...

Minecraft für Entdecker

minecraft fur entdecker

Wollt ihr euch auf Entdeckungsreise durch die Würfelwelt begeben und neue Abenteuer bestreiten? Entdeckt die unterschiedlichen Dimensionen, Biome und ihre Eigenarten. Lernt, welche Ausrüstung und Bewaffnung ihr benötigt, um die Welt unbeschadet zu erforschen. Findet tief versteckte Festungen und...

Mobile Big Data

mobile big data

This book reports on the latest advances in mobile technologies for collecting, storing and processing mobile big data in connection with wireless communications. It presents novel approaches and applications in which mobile big data is being applied from an...

Pro JavaScript RIA Techniques

pro javascript ria techniques

Pro Javascript RIA Techniques: Best Practices, Performance and Presentation shows developers how to efficiently implement the most powerful techniques to create rich user interfaces.

Web Coding Bible

web coding bible

This special-sized book teaches all essential web technologies from A to Z. Skillfully written, extremely succinct, with a lot of tables, diagrams, examples and screen output, it touches the latest experimental technology in action. Covering some hardly documented ‘tricks’...

Sustainable Design Reading Sampler 2012

sustainable design reading sampler 2012

The 2012 Sustainable Design Sampler includes select material from six Wiley Sustainable Design titles. The material that is included for each selection is the book’s full Table of Contents as well as the first chapter. If you would like...

Optimization and Control for Systems in the Big-Da…

optimization and control for systems in the big da

This book focuses on optimal control and systems engineering in the big data era. It examines the scientific innovations in optimization, control and resilience management that can be applied to further success. In both business operations and engineering applications,...

Pro JPA 2

pro jpa 2

Sun is releasing its new Java Persistence API (JPA) 2.x as part of its new Java EE 6 Platform release in Summer of 2009. This book is a detailed learning and use reference, written by EJB co-spec lead and...

Luxury Watches

luxury watches

4/5 Stars **** »The information contained in this book is quite useful« Juan C. L 4/5 Stars **** Good reference for those considering a luxury watch: »Good overview of luxury watch manufacturers and significance of each. Reviews some leading...

O Guia Completo do Minecraft

o guia completo do minecraft

Este volume tem páginas de construções de alto nível, supersegredos e guias passo a passo. Veja como selecionar um servidor Minecraft online e começar a diversão. E, se você gosta de construir verdadeiras obras-primas enquanto tenta sobreviver no jogo,...

Big data: atrapando al consumidor

Gracias a los grandes y pequeños datos –analíticas, algoritmos–, somos capaces de conocer fielmente las necesidades y aspiraciones de los consumidores. Si sabemos utilizar bien estos datos, podremos entender cómo debemos estableceruna buena relación con nuestro cliente/consumidor. La empresa...

Think Data Structures

think data structures

If you’re a student studying computer science or a software developer preparing for technical interviews, this practical book will help you learn and review some of the most important ideas in software engineering—data structures and algorithms—in a way that’s...