The Ultimate Pregnancy Guide for Expectant Fathers

The Ultimate Pregnancy Guide for Expectant Fathers

For fathers-to-be, pregnancy can be exciting, stressful, exhilarating, or a combination of all three. The physical and emotional changes a couple experiences can be surprising. The Ultimate Pregnancy Guide for Expectant Fathers takes the mystery out of having a baby and educates fathers on how to help and support their partners during pregnancy.

Written in an easy-to-read manner, and co-authored by a top OB-GYN with more than 30 years of experience, this book offers comprehensive information about the many changes mother and baby will be experiencing. Each page features fun facts, health advice, food for thought, and tips for dealing with pregnancy. Topics just for dads include finances, sex with a pregnant partner, social life, preparing the nursery, getting ready for baby, the birth, and more.

The Ultimate Pregnancy Guide for Expectant Fathers

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