Five Feet Apart Movie Review

Five Feet Apart Movie Review

Five Feet Apart Movie Review – Affectionate hospital patients trade love letters and latex gloves in the final rehearsal of the movie.

It’s been almost 50 years since “Love Story” showed people paying good money to watch cute young people slowly die, and five years since “The Fault in Our Stars” revived this morbid genre with significant commercial success. Justin Baldoni’s middle-of-the-road production Courtesy viewers sympathize with innovative conceits, only to take place in a hospital where aspiring vlogger and cystic fibrosis patient Stella (Haley Lou Richardson) is locked up as part of a drug trial. While dragging an oxygen line around intensive care, she crosses paths with fellow trialist, floppy-haired Will (Cole Sprouse), and a new villain is added to the old love affair: they can’t get close because they’re exchanging lungsfuls of potentially deadly bacteria. Here are two boys who kiss and kill.

Five Feet Apart Movie Review

It’s an amazing hook that’s addicting to salivating leads. Bedtime puts the onus on the assigned characters, mixing up these two hours dramatically: you get the sense that Baldoni killed a lot of time before sending him to the Reaper for a contracted cameo. The usual musical montages find someone or the other in a cafe while Frey plays on the soundtrack; Stella teaches her hellish beauty the proper use of latex gloves on YouTube. Love letters are hidden in balloons, and Will fills the hospital corridors with panic attacks. (The question of who pays for this extended sleepover is, of course, never addressed.)

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Shamelessly trading on any medical soap foibles, Baldoni returns the woefully underemployed Parminder Nagra to the doctor scrubs he once wore in the ER, while allowing Richardson, better known for his smart choices in Columbus, to lend an apple-like freshness to certain moments. Still, it’s the kind of marshmallow martyrdom that, like Falt’s Shailene Woodley did before her, realizes you have to work fast before you’re allowed into grown-up scripts. The airlessness of the lonely environment – a controlled environment that allows teenagers to approach death from a safe distance – is only lifted late with some fateful affairs at the head of a frozen lake: in this case, love pushes your luck. My granddaughter, Aubrey, had this time. saturday night with me. We enjoyed the girls coloring, watching Netflix and talking. When asked what he wanted to do before returning home on Sunday morning, Aubrey suggested a movie at the theater.

I love this idea! Aubrey and I appreciate movies. We love the entertainment aspect, but we embrace the deeper messages in each film. I let my grandson choose the movie.

This 10-year-old now prefers live-action movies to animation, a sure sign that he’s approaching adolescence. His morning choices made that clear. After looking at several reviews, Aubrey chose Five Feet Away, a teen romance.

This romantic drama stars Haley Lou Richardson, Cole Sprouse, Moises Arias, Kimberly Hebert Gregory, Claire Forlani, Emily Baldoni and Gary Weeks. Directed by Justin Baldoni, Five Feet Apart is based on the book of the same name written by Mickey Daughtry, Rachel Lippincott and Tobias Iaconis. The film is rated PG-13 for mature themes and mild language and is 1 hour and 56 minutes long.

Five Feet Apart

Stella (Richardson) enjoys hanging out with her friends and making videos to share on social media. She looks like a normal teenage girl. However, Stella suffers from cystic fibrosis, a life-threatening genetic disease that makes breathing difficult and requires frequent hospital stays.

Stella’s best friend Poe (Arias) also has CF. They met in the hospital when they were children. They encourage each other through routines, medications and procedures, and are both on the waiting list for a lung transplant.

Nurse Barb (Gregory) watches over her CF patients with the ferocity of a mother and the compassion of someone who has cared for many sick children over the years.

Spending so much time in the hospital, Stella may develop deep friendships with other CF children…and fall in love with a young man who shares her illness.

On Second Viewing, Five Feet Apart Upgrades To Recommended ⋆

Not only does Will (Sprouse) have cystic fibrosis, but he also has a bacterial infection in his lungs that makes him ineligible for a lung transplant. While in the hospital, he undergoes an experimental treatment to clear the bacteria from his lungs. Brilliant and artistic, Will covers feelings of hopelessness and rejection with humor and nonchalance. He is attracted to Stella, who has long been managing his health routine and medication schedule. Will gets to know Stella by watching all of her online videos detailing what life with CF is like.

Stella, however, was initially unimpressed with Will. Her lack of interest in improving her health surprises him, then frustrates him. With Poe working as a mediator between them, Will and Stella gradually become friends. Their friendship deepens as Stella follows Will’s strict health schedule and connects with him face-to-face for treatment.

Patients with cystic fibrosis must follow very strict rules of communication with each other. An infection in one CF patient’s lungs can make another CF patient very sick or even die. Precautions are required. Patients may be with family or healthy friends. However, when another CF person is present, everyone must wear gloves and a mask and stay six feet apart at all times.

Because of this rule, Stella and Poe never hugged or held each other during their long friendship. As Will and Stella develop feelings for each other, they want to hold hands, hug, or share kisses. Nurse Barb is alarmed when she discovers that the teenagers have fallen in love. He vows not to lose the patient on his watch and seriously destroys the relationship.

Five Feet Apart: The Book Review

But teenagers have suffered enough in their short lives. Will’s father left when his baby was diagnosed with CF. His mother (Forlani) uses whatever resources are available to help her son survive. However, he is emotionally cold and distant, perhaps as a protective measure.

Stella’s mother (Baldoni) and father (Apta) were heartbroken when they lost another daughter, not to cystic fibrosis, but to tragedy. This loss and Stella’s illness push their marriage to the breaking point. They recently broke up.

Still grieving her sister and her parents’ divorce, Stella decides that life has robbed her of enough. It’s time to give something back. He and Will close the distance between them to five feet … five feet as determined by the pool cue. Keeping their growing relationship a secret from their parents and nurse Barb, Stella and Will share their thoughts and feelings about life, illness and death. They know that when life keeps you apart, you fight for every inch.

It’s a sweet, tender film that deals with some very difficult subjects. I’m glad Aubrey chose this movie and we got to see it together. Parts of it are heartbreaking as the characters deal with normal teenage stress and the severity of a life-stealing illness.

Books To Read If You Loved Five Feet Apart

Five Feet Apart is a film that is uplifting and hopeful, but at times the challenges add up, creating anxiety and worry about the outcome. After watching the film, I read that Claire Wineland, a cystic fibrosis patient, worked as a consultant on the film, coaching the young actors in their roles. Thanks to Claire, Richardson, Sprouse and Arias give realistic and moving portrayals of CF patients. Sadly, he died of a stroke in September 2018 after a successful lung transplant.

While there are moments of fun and joy, this is a film that tugs at the heartstrings emotionally. Aubrey told me after the credits that only two movies ever made her cry. One was a dog’s life. The second film is Five Feet Apart. A few years ago, I would have avoided such a film. It was good for me to let my heart feel strong emotions and my eyes fill with tears of compassion.

In the car, I took the opportunity to discuss the film and its themes of life, death, illness, friendship and love with my grandson. Aubrey spoke openly and beautifully and asked questions about cystic fibrosis. We discussed the importance of living life to the fullest and enjoying every moment. And we touched on big topics such as gratitude, anger, sacrifice, and acceptance.

Movies are what make them. They certainly provide entertainment. And for an open heart and mind, they have a lot to offer. Aubrey and I left the theater with a new appreciation for life, love and hope.

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Five Feet Apart Movie Review | | 4.5