Kung Fu Panda 3 Movie Review

Kung Fu Panda 3 Movie Review

Kung Fu Panda 3 Movie Review – It’s not a name that inspires confidence at first glance, but, like Po himself, it’s a film that quickly proves to be far better than any reasonable expectation. Blending comedy and action with Eastern influences in animation, choreography and philosophy, it’s a film that’s both inspiring and entertaining, and gets better with each subsequent viewing. Its sequel was an even bigger triumph, raising the stakes in every possible way while adding more emotional weight to the story. It also kind of went off the rails and now, nearly five years later, answers have finally arrived in the form of

Story: Po is tasked with a challenge he internally struggles to face, a threat arises that requires him to complete this task, through spirituality and determination he overcomes his obstacle and then defeats the evil with his new enlightenment. The third part follows this structure to the letter and is a little predictable at this point, but each film differentiates itself by teaching a different message through this narrative. The first movie was about discovering hidden potential, the second about tapping into emotions, and the third about finding identity and improving others through their potential, not yours. Yes, it’s still primarily a kid’s movie with lots of silly jokes and cute characters, but there are deeper themes underneath for older audiences to appreciate. Although the story is pretty well known by now,

Kung Fu Panda 3 Movie Review

It’s a very fitting cap to the trilogy with callbacks to the first two films that tie up all the loose ends and bring new clarity to the series as a whole. I don’t believe it was planned that way from the start, but it was done in a stylish and seamless way that helps bring the saga to a solid close. I wouldn’t say there’s no chance of another movie, but if this is the last we ever see of Po and The Furious Five, it would be the right note to go on.

Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016) Blu Ray Review

Jack Black may not have the greatest range, but in this type of role he excels. Po remains a lovable and lovable character even now and it’s amazing that the show has managed to keep him that way without diminishing all the character development he’s gone through in the series. I think the key is that he’s goofy and kind, but never stupid or boring. The film mainly focuses on his new relationship with his biological father Lee (Cranston), which strains his adoptive father Mr. Ping (Hong), and the three bounce off incredibly well. Hong is as wonderful as ever in this role, inspiring the dynamic honesty he always brought to these films, and it’s great to see how he deals with finally having to support Po instead of just coddling him. Cranston gets a chance to resume his comedies after a string of dramatic roles, and he’s excellent at playing the laid-back man-child you’d expect Po’s father to be. That’s not to say that Cranston isn’t fun, as he brings plenty of dramatic weight to the role when called upon, and if the series continues, I hope he remains an important part of it. J.K. Simmons’ villain is perhaps the least interesting of the show’s antagonists so far compared to Ian McShane and Gary Oldman, but he makes for a visually interesting foe and Simmons milks all the humor one can find in a legendary villain who no one in history remembers yet. Master Shifu (Hoffman) and The Furious Five (Jolie, Rogen, Cross, Liu, Chan) mostly take a back seat to the story this time around, but many of them have their moments and all of their performers provide excellent voice work as usual .

The films have always been as much influenced by Eastern cinema as Western, and that is indeed the case for this third installment. The energetic action choreography that the series is known for is as much of a spectacle to watch as it’s always been, mixing in some more mystical elements to shake up the formula and further add to the insanity. The animation is crisp and flows beautifully, whether you’re caught up in a battle or simply admiring the scenery. Like

Did, the film also makes excellent use of 2D animation reminiscent of Chinese art which further adds to the cultural authenticity. Hans Zimmer’s score beautifully blends east and west into an action-packed score, and Dreamworks once again takes full advantage of the 3D potential to make the experience worth a few extra bucks.

It’s still a more than worthy sequel that remembers everything that worked before. It doesn’t have the originality of the first film or the boldness of the second, but it still has heart where it counts and serves as a perfect closure if it’s going to be the final installment. Dreamworks output can be spotty in terms of quality, but when they get it right, animated sequels don’t exactly have the best track record, but 2011’s Kung Fu Panda 2 was an exception to that rule, in my opinion . Not only did it capture the action and humor of the first film, but it built on the mythos and told a new and exciting story. Fortunately, Kung Fu Panda 3 follows in the sequel’s footsteps and proves that the series still has plenty of ‘skadoosh’ to offer.

Kung Fu Panda 3 Reviews

If Kung Fu Panda 1 was Po learning how to be a hero and 2 was learning to hone his skills, then 3 is Po’s journey to becoming a master. In this latest episode (directed by Kung Fu Panda veterans Jennifer Yuh Nelson and Alessandro Carloni), Panda’s long-lost father suddenly reappears and the reunited duo travel to the hidden panda village where Po was born. But when a supernatural villain named Kai appears with the chi of every kung fu master in the Spirit Realm, Po must train his fellow pandas to defeat this new enemy.

To mention the amazing animation of Kung Fu Panda 3, which has never looked better. The character and environments are breathtaking and the sets rival most live-action films in terms of cinematography and scale. That’s not to mention the physical comedy, which is spot on.

Kung Fu Panda we have seen. While the films have always incorporated hand-drawn elements, Kung Fu Panda 3 pushes them even further, including and especially during the action scenes. It helps that Hans Zimmer is back to do the score, which at this point has become a series staple.

Meanwhile, reliable Jack Black returns as the voice of Po and is, as always, the heart and soul of this film. Unsurprisingly, some of the biggest laughs come from him, along with his character’s emotional expressions. Granted, Po faces many of the same challenges he supposedly overcame in Kung Fu Pandas 1 and 2, and some scenes feel redundant as a result — like when Master Shifu (Dustin Hoffman) explains to Po that he “still has a lot to learn , “Even after everything he’s been through. The only difference is that ‘inner peace’ has been replaced with qi mastery.”

Kung Fu Panda 3 Movie Novelization By Tracey West

That being said, there are a lot of new things in this movie. While Po tries to teach his panda relatives the art of kung fu, the Furious Five are given their own missions (though their celebrity voices aren’t used again), and there’s also a slew of new characters. Master Chicken and love interest Mei Mei (Kate Hudson) stand out immediately, but the most notable addition to the cast is Bryan Cranston as the voice of Po’s biological father, Li Shang, who plays very well with Po and Po’s.

Father Mr. Ping (James Hong). As with the last two films, the family dynamic is one of the highlights in this one.

There is also J.K. Simmons as the voice of Kai, who joins the show’s already impressive roster of villains. What’s cool about his character is that he’s an old rival of Master Oogway (Randall Duk Kim), which brings the story full circle. In the beginning, Kai has stolen chi from thousands of kung fu masters, including Oogway, and collects them as jade talismans, which he then unleashes as jade zombies or “zombies”. The thing is, no one really knows who Kai is until he brings up his past with Oogway, which adds a humorous element to it. Of course, Simmons does a great job playing both the scary and comedic sides of Kai.

Unlike Kung Fu Panda 2, which hinted at the next chapter in the series, Kung Fu Panda 3 definitely feels like the end of a trilogy and wraps up the Dragon Warrior story in a complete and satisfying way. Despite some of the rehashes with Po, the core message of the show is precious: “Be the best

Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016)

You can be” — and especially for kids, that’s not a bad lesson to learn more than once, or even twice. Suffice it to say, if you dug the first two Kung Fu Pandas, this

Kung Fu Panda 3 Movie Review | | 4.5