- Tech and Product Reviews

Agile Java Development Complete Self-Assessment Gu…

agile java development complete self assessment gu

Have you identified your Agile Java Development key performance indicators? How can we improve Agile Java Development? What are the disruptive Agile Java Development technologies that enable our organization to radically change our business processes? What would be the...

My Charmed Life

my charmed life

When Beth Bernstein’s mother unexpectedly passed away, Beth’s life was forever changed, as she knew that she’d lost not only her best friend, but also a big part of herself. In this heartwarming and moving memoir, Beth learns how...

Introducing JavaScript Game Development

introducing javascript game development

Learn to build a fully-functional 2D game inspired by the 1979 Atari classic, Asteroids, using just HTML5, CSS and JavaScript. Developing games has never been easier than it is now. New web technology allows even beginner developers to turn...

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #64

my little pony friendship is magic 64

Fluttershy and Rarity travel to Manehattan where Rarity is shocked to discover old ugly fashions are back in style! Can Rarity find a way to push her creative instincts past… the past?

Data Management Platform (DMP). Big Data aplicado …

data management platform dmp big data aplicado

El marketing online se ha hecho mainstream para la población general con el advenimiento de las redes sociales y la figura del community manager. Ha sido justo en ese momento cuando se hizo adulto con la aparición de las...

Javascript Crash Course for Newbies and Pros

javascript crash course for newbies and pros

If you're in a hurry to learn the ins and outs of Javascript, this course will speed you through from the basics to the advanced and finer points of the language. Whether newbie or pro, there's more than a...

Parallele Programmierung spielend gelernt mit dem …

parallele programmierung spielend gelernt mit dem

Das Buch behandelt die wesentlichen Konzepte der parallelen Programmierung, d. h. der Entwicklung nebenläufiger Systeme. Es orientiert sich dabei am Thread-Konzept der Programmiersprache Java. Als didaktische Hilfsmittel werden anschauliche und spielerische Elemente des so genannten Hamster-Modells eingesetzt. Programmierer entwickeln...

Understanding Human Design

understanding human design

The Owner’s Manual for Your Life!Founded in the twentieth century by the late spiritual teacher Ra Uru Hu, Human Design is often called the “new Astrology,” and the “intersection of science and spirituality.” Your Human Design chart is formulated...

Java. Techniki zaawansowane. Wydanie X

java techniki zaawansowane wydanie x

Książka ta jest kolejnym, gruntownie zaktualizowanym i przeorganizowanym wydaniem czołowego podręcznika dla poważnych programistów Javy, którzy chcą skorzystać z nowych możliwości języka. W tym drugim z dwóch tomów książki opisano zagadnienia zaawansowane, takie jak API strumieni, biblioteki do obsługi...

5k Foam Fest

5k foam fest

This book gives information, pictures and a 3D view of the obstacles of the 5k Foam Fest

A Padre in Partibus: being notes and impressions o…

a padre in partibus being notes and impressions o

The GENERAL HISTORICAL collection includes books from the British Library digitised by Microsoft. This varied collection includes material that gives readers a 19th century view of the world. Topics include health, education, economics, agriculture, environment, technology, culture, politics, labour...

Designing Information

designing information

“The book itself is a diagram of clarification, containing hundreds of examples of work by those who favor the communication of information over style and academic postulation—and those who don’t. Many blurbs such as this are written without a...

Spatial Data Handling in Big Data Era

spatial data handling in big data era

This proceedings volume introduces recent work on the storage, retrieval and visualization of spatial Big Data, data-intensive geospatial computing and related data quality issues. Further, it addresses traditional topics such as multi-scale spatial data representations, knowledge discovery, space-time modeling,...

Presentation Zen: Simple Ideas on Presentation Des…

presentation zen simple ideas on presentation des

This is the eBook version of the printed book.Best-selling author and popular speaker Garr Reynolds is back in this newly revised edition of his classic, best-selling book, Presentation Zen, in which he showed readers there is a better way...

Modular Programming in Java 9

modular programming in java 9

Kick-start your modular programming journey and gear up for the future of Java development About This Book • Master design patterns and best practices to build truly modular applications in Java 9 • Upgrade your old Java code to...

Birds In Nature

birds in nature

BIRDS IN NATURE is an extraordinary resource for both the “Young at Art “ – or the Experienced Pro. This clip-art collection of beautiful old 1908 watercolor and ink drawings can both inspire and help artists of all mediums...

Imparare a programmare con JavaScript

imparare a programmare con javascript

L’importanza del pensiero computazionale e della programmazione è sempre più condivisa tra i sistemi scolastici e i più giovani. L’idea è che la conoscenza di base di un linguaggio di programmazione sia importante tanto quanto quella della lingua inglese....

Ecology of Java & Bali

ecology of java bali

The Ecology of Java and Bali is a comprehensive ecological survey of two of the most ecologically diverse islands in the Pacific. It also contains the results of original research, interviews and personal experience. It will be useful to...

The Big Awesome Book of Hand & Chalk Lettering

the big awesome book of hand chalk lettering

Get creative, express yourself, and add that personal touch with hand lettering! With illustrated step-by-step instructions, The Big Awesome Book of Hand & Chalk Lettering shows the complete beginner how to master the art of hand lettering, the composition/design...

Beginning Functional JavaScript

beginning functional javascript

Learn functional programming concepts using JavaScript ES6. You will learn concepts such as currying, partial functions, higher-order functions, and monads. Programming languages have evolved from focusing on procedures to objects and now on function. JavaScript supports functional programming and allows...

Java a fondo – estudio del lenguaje y desarrollo d…

java a fondo estudio del lenguaje y desarrollo d

Java a fondo propone un curso de lenguaje y desarrollo de aplicaciones Java basado en un enfoque totalmente práctico, sin vueltas ni rodeos, y contemplando el aprendizaje basado en competencias.El libro comienza desde un nivel cero y avanza hasta...

Motion Graphics For Interactive Media

motion graphics for interactive media

A collection of projects completed in the Fall 2014 semester in University of Baltimore’s Master’s of Publications Design program.

100 Recipes for Programming Java

100 recipes for programming java

Java Recipes are structured in a Cookbook format featuring recipes that contain problem statements and solutions. A detailed explanation follows each problem statement of the recipe. This is usually contained within the solution; however, an optional discussion section can...

SIG Playful Media Showcase 2012

sig playful media showcase 2012

This book is a collection of works exhibited in SIG Playful Media Showcase 2012, a student annual showcase organized by Special Interest Group(SIG) of Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong.