White Dwarf Issue 110: 5th March 2016 (Tablet Edit…

White Dwarf Issue 110: 5th March 2016 (Tablet Edit…

White Dwarf Issue 110: 5th March 2016 (Tablet Edit...

So, here we are – an insidious alien cult has been uncovered, and White Dwarf 110 is here to drag it kicking and screaming out into the light. We’ve got a special feature on the Genestealer Cults – what are they? How does a whole world fall thrall to such terrifying alien monstrosities? – plus datasheets to use all the Genestealer Cult models from Deathwatch Overkill in your games of…

White Dwarf Issue 110: 5th March 2016 (Tablet Edit...

White Dwarf Issue 110: 5th March 2016 (Tablet Edit… | | 4.5