Habits and Brain Mutations: Neuroscience Reveals How Your Brain Creates the Image of Yourself and How Breaking Bad Patterns to Can Achieve Better Performance and Highly Effective Results

Habits and Brain Mutations: Neuroscience Reveals How Your Brain Creates the Image of Yourself and How Breaking Bad Patterns to Can Achieve Better Performance and Highly Effective Results

Habits and Brain Mutations: Neuroscience Reveals How Your Brain Creates the Image of Yourself and How Breaking Bad Patterns to Can Achieve Better Performance and Highly Effective Results


If you want to know what happens in your brain when it makes and breaks habits and what neuroscience says about habits forming, then check this out. Habits are all around us. 

Each of us has a multitude of habits that we need to deal with regularly, from the habits we use to get us up in the morning and ready to work, to those habits that aren’t so great, such as spending hours on social media at night. 

Habits are an easy way for the brain to delegate less important tasks to our basal ganglia so we can use the cerebral cortex to concentrate on more important things. 

Understand how your brain works to making a faster change: Understanding how your brain works could give you a big boost in your personal improvement because when you know how something works, you are more willing to make a change and be committed. 

Explore the science of routines: This guidebook is going to take some time to explore habits, why our brain likes to take our routines and tasks and turn them into habits, and how we can use this to our advantage when developing new and better habits out of our old habits. 

Some of the things that we will discuss in this guidebook include: 

  • The basics of habits
  • How do habits form?
  • Why do these habits form?
  • How the brain makes and breaks a habit
  • How the brain is able to control our habits

Boost your personal growth: How will you boost your personal growth and improve your personal results? Because inside this guidebook you’ll discover:

  • What happens inside the brain when new habits are forming
  • The Law of Hypnotic Rhythm and why it is so important to habit formation
  • The importance of triggers and rewards when we are forming or breaking habits
  • Ways to finally break those bad habits
  • How repetition can be used to help you form positive habits in the brain 

And all of this information can help you: 

  • Even if you are not a doctor
  • Even if you are a newbie in the habits topic
  • Even if you are not an expert of neurosciences 

There is so much that we already know about habits, and so much more we can learn over time. 

When you are ready to learn the science behind the habits that we make, and some of the things you can do to replace a bad habit with a positive or good habit, make sure to listen through this guidebook to help you get started today!

Habits and Brain Mutations: Neuroscience Reveals How Your Brain Creates the Image of Yourself and How Breaking Bad Patterns to Can Achieve Better Performance and Highly Effective Results | | 4.5