Combat Irritable Bowels (Combat Dis-Ease) (Volume 4)

Combat Irritable Bowels (Combat Dis Ease) (Volume 4)


If you experience frequent and uncomfortable symptoms relating to your bowels, you want a fast and easy cure—the sooner, the better. Combat Irritable Bowels reveals what you can do today to start relieving diarrhea, constipation, and abdominal pain. Learn how to naturally cure gastrointestinal problems like a spastic gallbladder, GERD, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, and other diseases of the digestive tract Dr. Karin addresses this unpleasant topic based on her own struggles with an irritable bowel and from her perspective as a chiropractor. She knows what works and what doesn’t. Don’t be fooled by the simplicity of the solutions offered in Combat Irritable Bowels. Dr. Karin’s triad of wellness has worked for patients where allopathic medicine and surgeries have failed.

Combat Irritable Bowels (Combat Dis-Ease) (Volume 4) | | 4.5