Lectures on the Diseases of the Nervous System

Lectures on the Diseases of the Nervous System

Lectures on the Diseases of the Nervous System


Preliminary observations. Object of these lectures: they shall be devoted to those diseases of the nervous system, and of the spinal cord, especially, which are most usually met with in the Salpêtrière Hospital. Nutritive disorders consequent of lesions of the cerebrospinal axis and of the nerves. These morbid alterations may affect the skin, the connective tissue, the muscles, the articulations, the viscera. Their importance in relation to diagnosis and prognosis. Nutritive derangements consequent on lesions of the peripheral nerves. Slight influence (in the normal state) of the nervous system upon nutritive action. Passive lesions of the nerves and spinal cord do not directly produce disorders of nutrition in the peripheral parts. Demonstrative experiments. Influence of the irritation and inflammation of nerves or of nervous centres on the production of nutritive disturbances. Nutritive disorders consequent on traumatic lesions of nerves, considered specially. They arise not from complete but from imperfect sections or from contusions, etc., of the nerve. Cutaneous eruptions: erythema, zona traumatica, pemphigus, “glossy skin.” Muscular lesions, atrophy. Articular lesions• Lesions of the osseous system: periostitis, necrosis. Disorders of nutrition consequent on non- traumatic lesions of the nerves; their analogy with those which result from traumatic lesions. Nutritive disorders affecting the eyes in cases of compression of the trifacial by tumour. Inflammation of the spinal nerves, consequent on vertebral cancer, on spinal pachymeningitis, on asphyxia by charcoal fumes, etc. Cutaneous eruptions (zona, pemphigus, etc.), muscular atrophy, and articular affections, which, in such cases, are developed in consequence of the neuritis. Anaesthetic lepra, leprous perineuritis, lepra mutilans.

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