- Tech and Product Reviews

Minecraft. Diario de un aldeano superpringao

minecraft diario de un aldeano superpringao

El aprendizaje de Pánfilo sigue su curso en el instituto de Minecraftia. Entre la adopción de un bebé slime, la aparición de la misteriosa Alicia, y una alianza totalmente inesperada, ¡no hay tiempo para perder! Pero, tras las murallas,...

Understanding ECMAScript 6

understanding ecmascript 6

ECMAScript 6 represents the biggest update to the core of JavaScript in the history of the language. In Understanding ECMAScript 6, expert developer Nicholas C. Zakas provides a complete guide to the object types, syntax, and other exciting changes...

Java 9 – Die Neuerungen

java 9 die neuerungen

Dieses Buch bietet einen fundierten Einstieg in Java 9 und gibt einen Überblick über die darin enthaltenen umfangreichen Neuerungen. Damit eignet sich das Buch für all jene, die ihr Java-Wissen auf den neuesten Stand bringen möchten. Eine Vielzahl von...

The Designs of Lord Randolph Cavanaugh

the designs of lord randolph cavanaugh

The Designs of Lord Randolph Cavanaugh by Stephanie Laurens will be available Apr 24, 2018. Preorder your copy today!

Damn the Torpedoes: A Short History of U.S. Naval …

damn the torpedoes a short history of u s naval

This is an authoritative and thorough history of U.S. Navy mine countermeasures. Mine warfare is by definition the strategic and tactical use of sea mines and their countermeasures, including all offensive and defensive mining and protection against mines. Mining...

Beginning Java 9 Fundamentals

beginning java 9 fundamentals

Learn the basics of Java 9, including basic programming concepts and the object-oriented fundamentals necessary at all levels of Java development. Author Kishori Sharan walks you through writing your first Java program step-by-step. Armed with that practical experience, you’ll...

Grace in Uncertainty

grace in uncertainty

The word “grace” has many interpretations. For Grace in Uncertainty, I am referring to the uplifting and sustaining energy that originates from trusting you’ll always receive what you need in the moment. In contrast, anxiety derives from being in...

Minecraft Guide Jeu Non Officiel

minecraft guide jeu non officiel

* GUIDE NON OFFICIEL * Voulez-vous dominer le jeu et vos adversaires? Avez-vous du mal à faire des ressources et de l’argent? Voulez-vous les meilleurs articles? Voulez-vous savoir comment télécharger et installer le jeu? Si oui, nous vous avons...

Big and Complex Data Analysis

big and complex data analysis

This volume conveys some of the surprises, puzzles and success stories in high-dimensional and complex data analysis and related fields. Its peer-reviewed contributions showcase recent advances in variable selection, estimation and prediction strategies for a host of useful models,...

Mistrzowski JavaScript. Programowanie zorientowane…

mistrzowski javascript programowanie zorientowane

Niniejsza książka jest przeznaczona dla osób, które mniej więcej znają JavaScript, ale chcą się nauczyć programować obiektowo w tym języku. Można tu znaleźć informacje o definiowaniu obiektów za pomocą klas ES6, metodach hermetyzacji oraz różnych sposobach dziedziczenia. Są tu...

Programming Constructs in Java

programming constructs in java

Java programsdoes this word haunt you? Programming skillsdo you want to enhance them? Arrays, strings, and data structuredo you want to master them? The book deals with a variety of programs in every section.

The DC Comics Guide to Inking Comics

the dc comics guide to inking comics

For the aspiring artist who wants to become an expert comic book inker, The DC Comics Guide to Inking Comics is the definitive, one-stop resource! America’s leading comic book publisher brings its superstar creators and classic characters to the...

Guia Pro Games – Minecraft

guia pro games minecraft

enfrentar os desafios enquanto cria seus mundos, não deixe de ler todas as dicas e segredos que estão neste guia do Minecraft. Truques avançados e infalíveis para você se tornar um mestre neste jogo!

Big Data in Healthcare

big data in healthcare

This book reviews a number of issues including: Why data generated from POC machines are considered as Big Data. What are the challenges in storing, managing, extracting knowledge from data from POC devices? Why is it inefficient to use...

Java EE Testing mit Arquillian

java ee testing mit arquillian

Mit Arquillian sind Integrationstests ebenso einfach handhabbar wie Unit-Tests. Arquillian ist aufgrund der Flexibilität, die sich aus In-Container-Tests und Micro-Deployments ergibt, für eine Vielzahl von automatisierten Testformen geeignet. Das reicht von Unit Tests über Integrationstests bis hin zu Akzeptanz-...

My Little Pony: Micro Series #2 – Rainbow Dash

my little pony micro series 2 rainbow dash

The next in a series of spotlights focusing on everyone’s favorite Ponies! Rainbow Dash takes her job patrolling the skies very seriously, but she may have met her match when a group of mischievous cloud gremlins threaten to block...

Minecraft – 101 Amazing Facts

minecraft 101 amazing facts

Author: GWhiz Books Book Description Minecraft by Markus Persson | Amazing Facts What are the amazing facts of Minecraft by Markus Persson? If you’re hungry for more of the book you’ve loved, this insightful read prepared for you will...

Big Data, Google und das Recht auf informationelle…

big data google und das recht auf informationelle

Selten hat die Marktmacht eines Unternehmens zu solch umfangreichen rechtlichen Diskussionen geführt, wie es im Zusammenhang mit der Google Inc. der Fall ist. Dieses Spannungsverhältnis zwischen freiheitlichen Grundrechten, wirtschaftlichen Vorteilen und rechts- sowie gesellschaftspolitischen Entwicklungen ist Ausgangspunkt für die...

Test-Driving JavaScript Applications

test driving javascript applications

Debunk the myth that JavaScript is not easily testable. Whether you use Node.js, Express, MongoDB, jQuery, AngularJS, or directly manipulate the DOM, you can test-drive JavaScript. Learn the craft of writing meaningful, deterministic automated tests with Karma, Mocha, and...

Testwissen für Java-Entwickler

testwissen fur java entwickler

Eine gute Testsuite mit hoher Testabdeckung verringert nicht nur die Fehlerdichte eines zu entwickelnden Systems, sondern bildet auch die Grundlage für Refactorings und Erweiterungen. Für die test- und verhaltensgetriebene Entwicklung sind Tests ein wichtiges Mittel zum Entwurf eines Systems....

Web Design 101

web design 101

Trying to break in to the world of web design, but overwhelmed by the massive amounts of information out there? Then Web Design 101 is for you. It provides a code-free, jargon-light overview of web design from the designer’s...

Diario di un Minecraft Zombie. Lo spaventabulli

diario di un minecraft zombie lo spaventabulli

Zombie, 12 anni, torna con uan nuova emozionanate e divertentissima avventura;questa volta Zombie dovrà vedersela con i Mob più cattivi e spaventosi della scuola, dei veri bulli. Riuscirà a impedire ai bulli di terrorizzare lui e i suoi amici...

Pro Java 9 Games Development

pro java 9 games development

Use Java 9 and JavaFX 9 to write 3D games for the latest consumer electronics devices. Written by open source gaming expert Wallace Jackson, this book uses Java 9 and NetBeans 9 to add leading-edge features, such as 3D,...

The Business of Creativity

the business of creativity

Long known as the go-to management consultant of the design world, Keith Granet reveals more of his clear-eyed insights about running a creative business in this follow-up to his book The Business of Design. While aimed at creative enterprises,...