- Tech and Product Reviews

DSType: User Specimen

dstype user specimen

User is a monospaced type family with 30 styles, from Hairline to Bold, divided in Regular, Upright and Stencil,with five weights (Hairline, ExtraLight, Light, Medium and Bold) all with Cameo versions. Complexity and versatility are the keywords for this...

Brauen und Verzaubern in Minecraft

brauen und verzaubern in minecraft

Um in Minecraft Tränke zu brauen oder Gegenstände zu verzaubern musst Du allerhand wissen: Welche Geräte und Zutaten werden benötigt, wie lauten die Rezepte und wie ist die Wirkung? Wie ist das mit dem Zaubertisch und den Zauberbüchern? Mit...

Processing Big Data with Azure HDInsight

processing big data with azure hdinsight

Get a jump start on using Azure HDInsight and Hadoop Ecosystem components. As most Hadoop and Big Data projects are written in either Java, Scala, or Python, this book minimizes the effort to learn another language and is written...

Make: Props and Costume Armor

make props and costume armor

Have you been trying to think of a way to conquer your local comic convention through cosplay? Do you gaze with envious eyes upon the fan-made suits of armored awesomeness strolling around every year on Halloween? Do you have...

Minecraft Xbox One Favorites Pack Game Guide Unoff…

minecraft xbox one favorites pack game guide unoff

*UNOFFICIAL GUIDE* Do you want to dominate the game and your opponents? Do you struggle with making resources and cash? Do you want the best items? Would you like to know how to download and install the game? If...

Implementing SOA Using Java EE

implementing soa using java ee

The Practitioner’s Guide to Implementing SOA with Java EE Technologies This book brings together all the practical insight you need to successfully architect enterprise solutions and implement them using SOA and Java EE technologies. Writing for senior IT developers,...

BREAKING IN® Over 130 Advertising Insiders Reveal …

breaking in over 130 advertising insiders reveal

BREAKING IN® helps you build the portfolio you need to get the job you want. With advice from over 130 creative leaders, BREAKING IN® gives you an unfair advantage over the rest. • Get specific advice from the exact...

Minecraft Trading Card Game Game Guide Unofficial

minecraft trading card game game guide unofficial

– Beat your opponents! – Build the ultimate deck! – The play arena. – Card types. – Turn phases. – Mobs. – Specials. – Structures. – Joke Cards. – Resources. – Items.

BlackBerry Java Application Development

blackberry java application development

Written with a fast-paced but friendly and engaging approach, this Packt Beginner's Guide is designed to be placed alongside the computer as your guide and mentor. Step-by-step tutorials are boosted by explanations of the reasoning behind what you are...

Knitting 24/7

knitting 24 7

Women who love to knit are determined to find time to practice their craft, despite the many roles they fulfill throughout the day. They knit while traveling or commuting, while waiting for their kids, while socializing. Times like these...

Minecraft Story Mode Season 2 Game Episodes, APK, …

minecraft story mode season 2 game episodes apk

*UNOFFICIAL GUIDE* Do you want to dominate the game and your opponents? Do you struggle with making resources and cash? Do you want the best items? Would you like to know how to download and install the game? If...

Big Data für Entscheider

big data fur entscheider

Andreas Gadatsch und Holm Landrock zeigen an typischen Beispielen aus der Praxis, wie datengetriebene Geschäftsmodelle entstehen. Sie erläutern, wie sich Big-Data-Projekte rechnen und wie man am einfachsten an die Analyse großer Datenmengen herangeht. Eine Bewertung der zentralen Aspekte von...

Java EE Web Application Primer

java ee web application primer

Build an online messaging app using Java Servlets, JSP, Expression Language, JSTL, JPQL, Sessions/Cookies, HTML/CSS/JavaScript, and the Bootstrap framework. This book explains Java EE, along with its associated technologies making it perfect for those with at least basic programming...

Java EE 6. Programowanie aplikacji WWW. Wydanie II

java ee 6 programowanie aplikacji www wydanie ii

Drugie wydanie tego znakomitego wstępu do Javy EE pozwoli Ci odkryć, jak działają serwlety, do czego służą pliki JSP, co to jest deskryptor wdrożenia i jak zapewnić dostęp Twojej aplikacji do danych za pośrednictwem JPA. Sprawdzisz, do czego może...

Brave New Knits

brave new knits

Brave New Knits by Julie Turjoman, cofounder of is the first book to celebrate the convergence of traditional hand-knitting and modern technology. The Internet has made it possible for the knitting community to connect through photos, pattern-sharing, and...

Minecraft. Kompendium gracza

minecraft kompendium gracza

Jest to kompletny przewodnik, niezbędny każdemu graczowi. Sięgnij po tę książkę i poznaj zasady rządzące światem gry. Przekonaj się, jak skutecznie zdobywać surowce, przygotowywać mikstury oraz walczyć z potworami zamieszkującymi świat Minecrafta. W tym świecie możesz również zająć się...

Big Data et Assurance Climatique – Moins De Risque…

big data et assurance climatique moins de risque

Spore Magazine 186 : Big Data et Assurance Climatique – Moins De Risques, Plus De Revenus Un meilleur accès aux données agricoles permet aux programmes d’assurances indexées de toucher plus largement les agriculteurs. Ceux-ci deviennent ainsi plus résilients et...

Developing Business Applications for the Web

developing business applications for the web

This book focuses on using common Web tools to develop business applications. Professional business programmers who are new to Web development will quickly acquire the relevant information they need, starting with HTML and CSS. The book goes beyond simple...

Programowanie w języku Java. Zbiór zadań z (p)odpo…

programowanie w jezyku java zbior zadan z podpo

Właśnie dlatego powstała książka „Programowanie w języku Java. Zbiór zadań z (p)odpowiedziami” . Poprzedzające każdy dział publikacji krótkie, rzeczowe wprowadzenia teoretyczne umożliwi rozpoczęcie przygody z Javą nawet osobom, które nie miały z nią wcześniej żadnego kontaktu, a stanowiące rdzeń...

Feng Shui

feng shui

Feng shui has been popular in the West for decades.  Initially, many were intrigued with Eastern thought that stressed the philosophy of living in harmony with nature.  However, after decades, the popular practice does not fully reflect the core...

Big Data and Internet of Things: A Roadmap for Sma…

big data and internet of things a roadmap for sma

This book presents current progress on challenges related to Big Data management by focusing on the particular challenges associated with context-aware data-intensive applications and services. The book is a state-of-the-art reference discussing progress made, as well as prompting future...

Learning Node.js:

learning node js

This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Learning Node.js brings together the knowledge and JavaScript code needed to...

Java Corso pratico di programmazione

java corso pratico di programmazione

Quando si pianifica un corso di programmazione in un ambiente scolastico, aziendale o professionale si deve tener conto del numero, spesso ridotto, di ore a disposizione. Non è quindi proponibile un percorso didattico che includa tutti gli aspetti del...

The Way She Wears It

the way she wears it

The most highly sought-after fashion illustrator/luxury project designer working today uses her sketches, styling skills and visual expertise to help you develop your eye, define your aesthetic, banish the predictable, stock your wardrobe, and make heads turn in this...