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Vesnicia In Desfasurare

Vesnicia In Desfasurare

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Vesnicia In Desfasurare

Vesnicia In Desfasurare
Author : John Ortberg
language : ro
Publisher: Scriptum
Release Date : 2020-06-02

Vesnicia In Desfasurare written by John Ortberg and has been published by Scriptum this book supported file pdf, txt, epub, kindle and other format this book has been release on 2020-06-02 with Religion categories.

Cat mai avem pana in vesnicie? Majoritatea oamenilor cred in viata dupa moarte, caci Dumnezeu „a pus chiar si vesnicia in inimile lor“. Insa cei mai multi considera ca vesnicia va incepe abia dupa moarte. Isus Cristos insa vorbeste despre vesnicie in cu totul alti termeni. De fapt, El vorbeste o singura data despre „viata vesnica“, intr-un fel care s-a pierdut din vedere la scara larga in zilele noastre: „Si viata vesnica este aceasta: sa Te cunoasca pe Tine, singurul Dumnezeu adevarat, si pe Isus Cristos, pe care L-ai trimis Tu“. Viata vesnica inseamna cunoasterea lui Dumnezeu. John Ortberg aduce in atentie tocmai acest aspect al vesniciei privit din perspectiva lui Cristos si ne provoaca: - sa ne redefinim conceptia asupra vietii vesnice ca pe o viata de care vom avea parte doar dupa moarte. - sa nu ne mai privim ca pe niste crestini de profesie, ci sa fim mai degraba preocupati de a-L cunoaste pe Dumnezeu si de a deveni ucenicii Lui. - sa intelegem ca mantuirea nu inseamna cum sa intram in cer, ci cum sa intre cerul in noi. Este timpul sa intelegem ca vesnicia este in plina desfasurare, iar noi suntem invitati sa fim parte din ea – acum. Despre autor John Ortberg este autor, conferentiar si pastor al Bisericii Prezbiteriene din Menlo Park, California. A publicat mai multe carti, printre care: Toti sunt normali pana ajungi sa-i cunosti, O dragoste mai presus de ratiune, Dumnezeu e mai aproape decat crezi si Daca vrei sa umbli pe apa trebuie sa cobori din barca. John si sotia sa, Nancy, au trei copii. Cuprins Introducere: Cat mai avem? Multumiri Partea intai:Redefinirea mantuirii Capitolul 1: Cea mai importanta veste Capitolul 2: Conditiile minime de intrare in Imparatie Capitolul 3: Urmeaza-Ma Partea a doua: Umblarea cu Isus Interludiu: Minunata calatorie a cunoasterii Lui Capitolul 4: Trezirea: Cauta sa-L vezi pe Dumnezeu in toate Capitolul 5: Curatirea: Renunta la bagaje Capitolul 6: Iluminarea: O noua harta mentala Capitolul 7: Unirea: Niciodata singur

Everybody S Normal Till You Get To Know Them

Everybody S Normal Till You Get To Know Them
Author : John Ortberg
language : en
Publisher: Zondervan
Release Date : 2009-05-18

Everybody S Normal Till You Get To Know Them written by John Ortberg and has been published by Zondervan this book supported file pdf, txt, epub, kindle and other format this book has been release on 2009-05-18 with Religion categories.

Normal? Who's normal? Not you, that's for sure! No one you've ever met, either. None of us are normal according to God's definition, and the closer we get to each other, the plainer that becomes. Yet for all our quirks, sins, and jagged edges, we need each other. Community is more than just a word--it is one of our most fundamental requirements. So how do flawed, abnormal people such as ourselves master the forces that can drive us apart and come together in the life-changing relationships God designed us for? In Everybody's Normal Till You Get to Know Them, teacher and bestselling author John Ortberg zooms in on the things that make community tick. You'll get a thought-provoking look at God's heart, at others, and at yourself. Even better, you'll gain wisdom and tools for drawing closer to others in powerful, impactful ways. With humor, insight, and a gift for storytelling, Ortberg shows how community pays tremendous dividends in happiness, health, support, and growth. It's where all of us weird, unwieldy people encounter God's love in tangible ways and discover the transforming power of being loved, accepted, and valued just the way we are.

Nu I Oferi Dusmanului Loc La Masa Ta

Nu I Oferi Dusmanului Loc La Masa Ta
Author : Louie Giglio
language : ro
Publisher: Scriptum
Release Date : 2023-08-07

Nu I Oferi Dusmanului Loc La Masa Ta written by Louie Giglio and has been published by Scriptum this book supported file pdf, txt, epub, kindle and other format this book has been release on 2023-08-07 with Religion categories.

Dumnezeu a intins o masa pentru doi: un loc pentru El si un loc pentru tine. Dar dusmanul vrea si el un loc la masa voastra. Des, mult prea des, dusmanul cauta sa-ti umple mintea cu ganduri distructive si daunatoare – fie ca este vorba de frica, ingrijorare, nesiguranta, anxietate, ispita, invidie. E foarte usor pentru Satana sa se strecoare si sa ocupe un loc la masa pregatita doar pentru tine de Dumnezeu, apoi sa incerce sa se simta in mintea ta ca la el acasa. Este o lupta continua, deloc usoara, dar este o lupta pe care o poti castiga! Nu-i oferi dusmanului loc la masa ta este mesajul imperativ pe care Louie Giglio il impartaseste, oferind moduri practice prin care sa invingi minciunile dusmanului si sa gasesti pace si siguranta in orice situatie provocatoare. Avand Psalmul 23 ca punct de inspiratie, Louie Giglio ofera perspectiva biblica corecta prin care sa-ti privesti viata si sa lupti in situatii dificile, pentru ca sa poti sa bei din paharul plin de da peste el. Scrierea aceasta a lui Giglio ofera speranta si inspira libertate inimilor noastre ostenite, care au nevoie de biruinta ce ne este disponibila prin Isus Cristos. Nu-i oferi dusmanului loc la masa ta este o comoara la care te vei intoarce mereu. Abia astept sa o citesti si sa vezi cum viata ta se transforma! —Lysa TerKeurst, autoare multipremiata si presedinta Proverbs 31 Ministries Cel mai aprig razboi al vietilor noastre se concentreaza in jurul bataliei pentru mintea noastra. Cristos a castigat deja cea mai mare victorie – acum este randul tau sa lupti pentru a dobandi un mod corect de gandire, atintindu-ti privirea asupra Pastorului cel Bun. Cartea aceasta reprezinta un apel insistent de a-ti alinia gandirea cu perspectiva Imparatiei lui Dumnezeu si te invata cum sa gasesti incurajare, speranta si putere, indiferent de vaile prin care treci. Este timpul sa respingi minciunile si sa asculti adevarul care sa te ajute sa iei decizii cum ar fi: * sa invingi minciunile care iti distrug viata; * sa faci pasi concreti pentru a trai pe deplin in Cristos; * sa rupi cercul vicios al rusinii, ispitei si nesigurantei; * sa restaurezi pacea si sa te eliberezi de apasarea gandirii distructive. Toate acestea sunt posibile, poti castiga razboiul care se da pentru mintea ta, daca Ii dai voie Pastorului cel Bun, sa conduca lupta. Apropie-te de Dumnezeu, ocupa loc langa El si nu-i oferi dusmanului un loc la masa. La banchetul inimii tale sunt doua locuri – unul pentru tine si celalalt pentru Isus – iar al treilea loc este in plus. Acesta reprezinta mesajul transformator al cartii de fata. Cu cat ii dai voie diavolului sa petreaca timp in mintea ta, cu atat mai mult te vei indeparta de destinul tau. Lasa-l pe Louie Giglio sa-ti arate cum sa-i spui dusmanului ca nu mai sunt locuri la masa si vei vedea cum viata ta se va schimba. —Levi si Jennie Lusko Despre autor LOUIE GIGLIO este pastor si autor care si-a castigat reputatia ca unul dintre cei mai influenti lideri spirituali ai timpurilor noastre. Cu o cariera extinsa in slujirea si predicarea Cuvantului lui Dumnezeu, Giglio a avut un impact semnificativ in viata multor oameni din intreaga lume. Nascut si crescut in Georgia, Louie Giglio e cunoscut pentru pasiunea si devotamentul sau in slujirea tinerilor. Impreuna cu sotia sa Shelley, a fondat Passion City Church, o biserica din Atlanta, Georgia, care s-a dezvoltat rapid si a devenit un loc de inchinare pentru mii de oameni. Giglio este implicat si in numeroase cauze umanitare ca sustinator al luptei impotriva sclaviei moderne si a traficului de persoane, prin intermediul organizatiei „End It”, si contribuie la construirea de puturi de apa in zone defavorizate prin proiectul „Passion World Tour”. Ca autor, a scris mai multe carti devenite bestselleruri, dintre care in limba romana au aparut: Un nou inceput, Goliat trebuie sa cada si De nedescris. Lucrarile sale sunt apreciate pentru continutul lor profund si pentru abordarea inspirationala. Louie si sotia lui, Shelley, locuiesc in Atlanta. Aprecieri pentru aceasta carte: Nu-i oferi dusmanului loc la masa ta te va echipa cu unelte practice cu ajutorul carora sa-ti aliniezi gandurile la adevarul lui Dumnezeu, pentru ca sa-ti indeplinesti scopul pentru care te-a creat El cu pasiune si bucurie. —Christine Caine, autoare multipremiata si fondatoarea misiunii A21 si Propel Women * Noi toti stim ce inseamna sa fim prinsi in capcanele nesfarsite ale gandurilor care ne saboteaza viata si frustrarea de a nu sti cum sa rupi acest cerc vicios. Aceasta carte practica si plina de intelepciune ne ofera calauzirea necesara pentru a ne elibera de tirania gandirii negative si a ne recapata bucuria. O recomand din toata inima! — Ian Morgan Cron, autorul cartii Road Back To You Louie Giglio este un dar profetic al vremurilor noastre, iar Psalmul 23 reprezinta un adevar rasunator in toate timpurile. Cartea aceasta reprezinta un apel insistent de a ne alinia gandirea cu perspectiva Imparatiei lui Dumnezeu. Fiindca sunt o persoana care isi incepe timpul de partasie in fiecare dimineata rugandu-ma cu Psalmul 23, aceasta lucrare m-a impresionat profund. —John Mark Comer, pastor al viziunii si al invataturii la biserica Bridgetown si autorul cartii The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry * Noua carte a lui Louie, Nu-i oferi dusmanului loc la masa ta, se adreseaza oricarei persoane care i-a dat voie dusmanului sa ocupe spatiu in mintea lui. Fie ca este vorba de manie, singuratate, nesiguranta sau rusine, este timpul sa-l dam afara pe dusman din mintea noastra si sa ne ocupam din nou locul la masa cu Isus. —Steven Furtick, pastorul bisericii Elevation si autor multipremiat New York Times * Daca te lupti cu ganduri descurajante, cartea pastorului Louie Giglio, Nu-i oferi dusmanului loc la masa ta, te va ajuta sa descoperi adevarurile biblice care te vor ajuta sa-ti eliberezi mintea si sa traiesti viata pe care Dumnezeu a intentionat ca tu sa o traiesti. —Craig Groeschel, pastorul bisericii Life Church si autor multipremiat New York Times * Cel mai aprig razboi al vietilor noastre se concentreaza in jurul bataliei pentru mintea noastra. Sunt recunoscator pentru o lucrare de genul acesta care ne inarmeaza artileria spirituala, cu munitia Evangheliei. Iti multumesc, Louie G (acesta este pseudonimul de rap pe care i l-am dat), pentru ca ne oferi acest gen de profunzime si accesibilitate de care avem nevoie pentru a apara linia frontului, pentru slava lui Dumnezeu pe campul de batalie al mintilor noastre. —KB, artist * Sunt convins ca aceasta carte nu numai ca iti va limpezi credinta, ci si o va intari. Isus a castigat deja cea mai mare victorie – acum este randul nostru sa luptam pentru a gandi in mod corect si a ne atinti privirea asupra Pastorului nostru cel Bun. —Tim Tebow, atlet profesionist si comentator al programului SEC Nation, autor, vorbitor principal si filantrop Cuprins: Multumiri 1: Opt cuvinte care iti vor schimba viata 2: Psalmul 23 – remix 3: Pot sa ma asez? 4: Expunerea minciunilor fatale 5: Spirala pacatului 6: Revolutia libertatii 7: Fa fiecare gand rob 8: Harul care reduce rusinea la tacere 9: Uluit de munte 10:Gradina mintii tale Despre autor

A Reason For Marriage

A Reason For Marriage
Author : Penny Jordan
language : en
Publisher: Harlequin
Release Date : 2008-03-01

A Reason For Marriage written by Penny Jordan and has been published by Harlequin this book supported file pdf, txt, epub, kindle and other format this book has been release on 2008-03-01 with Fiction categories.

It's been six years since Jamie walked in on her lover, Jake Brierton, in bed with another woman—and walked right back out that door and out of his life. But even though Jamie has spent years working on her successful decorating business, she's never been able to fully exorcise Jake from her mind. He is, after all, her stepbrother…. When her stepdad becomes ill, Jamie is reunited with Jake on their way home for Christmas. She is shocked when Jake proposes marriage—a marriage designed to make their family happy. But when the ceremony is over, and their honeymoon in a cozy Swiss chalet begins, Jamie wonders what kind of marriage she's destined to have with the man who once broke her heart…and could easily do it again!

Jessica S First Prayer

Jessica S First Prayer
Author : Hesba Stretton
language : en
Release Date : 1897

Jessica S First Prayer written by Hesba Stretton and has been published by this book supported file pdf, txt, epub, kindle and other format this book has been release on 1897 with Adoption categories.

Shakespeare S Last Fancied Sonnets In Imaginary Translation

Shakespeare S Last Fancied Sonnets In Imaginary Translation
Author : Vasile Voiculescu
language : ro
Release Date : 2000

Shakespeare S Last Fancied Sonnets In Imaginary Translation written by Vasile Voiculescu and has been published by this book supported file pdf, txt, epub, kindle and other format this book has been release on 2000 with Sonnets, Romanian categories.

The Detox Miracle Sourcebook

The Detox Miracle Sourcebook
Author : Robert Morse
language : en
Publisher: SCB Distributors
Release Date : 2012-01-24

The Detox Miracle Sourcebook written by Robert Morse and has been published by SCB Distributors this book supported file pdf, txt, epub, kindle and other format this book has been release on 2012-01-24 with Health & Fitness categories.

The Detox Miracle Sourcebook shows you how to cleanse your body of the poisons that are destroying your health, and start the process of complete cellular regeneration that leads to true healing. Based on 30 years of clinical experience, treating thousands of people with conditions ranging from OVERWEIGHT to CANCER, Dr. Robert Morse reveals his ultimate healing system – the Detox Miracle! • Covers the A-Z of Detoxification, including: Why do it? When to do it? What to expect? How it works, and how long it takes. • Explains the uses of specific raw foods and herbs for cleansing and healing every organ, system, and unbalanced condition in the body. • Details the interface of body, mind and soul in the achievement of lifelong health. • Presents the Detox Miracle Diet, and how to adapt it for life. • Includes dozens of easy-to-use References: lists of herbs, herbal formulas, properties of foods, minerals, phytochemicals, and cell salts, etc.; along with raw food recipes; a detailed Index; broad-based Resource Guide; and extensive Glossary and Bibliography. ONE THING I KNOW about Dr. Morse is that he has walked his talk. This amazing book leads you step-by-step through every facet of detoxification and vitality building. A treasure chest of information for the beginner and the advanced health-seeker alike. -David Wolfe, CEO:www.rawfood.com, author of The Sunfood Diet Success System and Eating for Beauty. EXTREMELY PRACTICAL; a most informative tool. Helping others to help themselves through education provides a lasting impression upon their overall health. What better way to serve the Lord than to educate the masses. -Gary L. Axley, N.M.D., D.O.; president of Southern College of Naturopathic Medicine. CAREFULLY RESEARCHED. A “must” for the professional practitioner as well as for the layperson. Destined to become a classic. -Donald Vesser Bodeen, D.C., Ph.D. I HAVE USED DR.MORSE’S program and his herbs with many cases over the years, and with great success. This method is the real healing method for today and the future. -William Christner, N.D., C.M. THE STUDY OF THIS BOOK will be a spiritual, mental, and physical blessing for complete body health. Thank you, Dr. Morse, for a wonderful book! -Dr. Ed David, N.D., Health Education Center. Natural Health $29.95 HOHM PRESS The Detox Miracle Sourcebook MORSE

Elev N Comunism

Elev N Comunism
Author : Luciana Marioara Jinga
language : ro
Release Date : 2009

Elev N Comunism written by Luciana Marioara Jinga and has been published by this book supported file pdf, txt, epub, kindle and other format this book has been release on 2009 with Children's writings, Romanian categories.

Revelation And Inspiration

Revelation And Inspiration
Author : James Orr
language : en
Publisher: Regent College Publishing
Release Date : 2002

Revelation And Inspiration written by James Orr and has been published by Regent College Publishing this book supported file pdf, txt, epub, kindle and other format this book has been release on 2002 with Religion categories.

Contemporary theology is often complex without being profound, startling but not sober. We need the opposite, and we get it from James Orr. Despite its age, this volume provides a perennially valuable outline of a biblical theology of revelation and inspiration. It was published just before 'The Fundamentals' appeared, to which Orr contributed, which gave its name to 'Fundamentalism'. While Orr respectfully demurred from Hodge and Warfield on the question of inerrancy, this volume offers a robust conservative rebuttal of modernism, with clarity, learning and balance."

Levelling The Score

Levelling The Score
Author : Penny Jordan
language : en
Publisher: Harlequin
Release Date : 2016-03-14

Levelling The Score written by Penny Jordan and has been published by Harlequin this book supported file pdf, txt, epub, kindle and other format this book has been release on 2016-03-14 with Fiction categories.

He'd always made light of her feelings When she was young, Jenna had been infatuated with Simon Townsend, her best friend's teasing brother. Then infatuation changed to acurious uneasiness, one that made her feel edgy and restless in his company. Fortunately she had little occasion to see much of him now, for, as a prominent London barrister, hemoved in different circles than Jenna. But an escapade of his sister's threw Simon andJenna together again in a most awkward—not to mention compromising—situation. He thoughtit was funny. Jenna was not amused. And she would have given anything to avoid theconsequences! Originally published in Sep 1988.